Recover Physio Folkestone

Physiotherapy Practice

Folkestone, Kent

Shockwave Therapy - Knee

Have you heard of Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be beneficial for a range of different muscle, tendon and soft tissue conditions

Find out more

Struggling with Back Pain?

We have a team of Physiotherapists that are ready to help you get to the bottom of any back related issue

Back Pain
Recover Physio

Recover Physiotherapy

Our focus is You: your pain, your goals, your rehabilitation!

Our success always comes from your results. This is why our hand picked team is constantly growing in line with our service.

We are a highly skilled team of specialist allied health professionals who collectively treat, support and empower our patients across Kent. Recover Physio Folkestone is dedicated to providing the very best specific and structured treatment for our clients. Our range of expertise is diverse to suit the variety of clients who visit us.

About us Meet the Team

What we treat

Physiotherapy is effective in treating a wide range of conditions by “taking a whole person approach to health and wellbeing”.

At Recover Physiotherapy Folkestone, we specialise in providing individualised and goal-orientated treatment to ensure that everyone who visits us has a personalised treatment plan.