Whilst renovating the new Recover Physio and Wellbeing premises, we’ve also been growing our specialist team, with the aim of offering a more holistic approach to physical and mental health outside of our traditional Physiotherapy expertise. We still have our Physios that specialise in sports injuries, postural issues and surgical restorative therapy.
However, we’ve now expanded the team to include:
- Chronic pain management
- Women’s/Pelvic health specialist
- Hands and wrist specialist
- Counselling services
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapist
- Clinical Pilates instructors
There will also be a state of the art movement/ assessment gym with back rehabilitation classes and specialised personal trainers.
2023 will see huge growth, and we’re so excited to expand our team and offer more health services to those in the Folkestone area!

Opened in 2012 we aim to deliver a holistic, specific and structured treatment regime in a quiet and private location. We will work with you not only to treat your symptoms but to empower you with the tools to ensure these do not return.
Whether you are in your 30s or 80s our aim is to give you a life free from painkillers and free from even thinking about a GP visit! We all have one life, the fear of pain should not prevent you from enjoying yours.
I know it is easier to hope the problem goes away. Sadly, many times this is not the case. Time may cause secondary problems with pain becoming more deep rooted. Painkillers may ease this, but often we are just placing a picture over a crack…. the crack develops, and we need a bigger picture (Stronger painkillers) – so back to the doctor we go.

Does this sound like you?
Maybe you have received treatment in the past but it hasn’t worked.
Maybe you have a referral for the NHS in 4-6 weeks, then you are finally seen and find the exercise sheet has not helped ease the symptoms.
Maybe you think that it’s normal to have pain due to old age as your friends have it. Being in pain is not normal… at any age.
The fact that you have had these experiences is a good thing! It highlights what hasn’t worked for you and it means you are closer to finding out what does!
Click the link below to discuss your difficulty and get sound advice. There is no requirement to book an appointment after the call. Our aim is to help you make the right decision about what path to take.

Book Online
Whether you’re a new or existing patient, you can book an appointment with us at any time using our simple online booking system. Just select the type of treatment that you wish to book, your preferred time and the clinic that is most convenient for you. You can also select a particular physiotherapist.

SPEAK with a physiotherapist
Unsure on what’s right for you?
Questions that need answering?
Want to find out more?
Our physio’s are always keen to help so get in touch.
We love to fix problems and improve people’s lives so they can:
- Spend time with friends and family without worrying about the situation
- Sit in a train, bus, car, theatre or restaurant without thinking about (your) back or neck pain
- Get a great night’s sleep without constant adjustments to find the one pain-free position
- Take the dog for a walk, go for a run or enjoy competitive sport without having to hold back.