What are they?
It’s bullet-proofing and enhancing the body for running!
Running involves many repetitive movements with the same muscles working together. These classes help stabilise and reduce poor technique and muscle imbalances and strengthen the body to prevent injuries whilst improving running performance.
Strength and Conditioning classes enhance performance in a chosen discipline. They are usually tailored towards one or two goals. At Recover Physio and Wellbeing clinic we treat a large range of running injuries and in each case we highlight a number of weaknesses. Classes will involve resistance training, balance and trunk stability work as well as improving range of movement.
Who is it for?
These classes are aimed at runners of all standards who wish to:
- Reduce the risk of running related injuries
- Improve their performance, be this a time-related or distance based goal.
Our aim is that your run will be limited by your breathing capacity, not by pain or skeletal muscle fatigue.
What are the benefits?
Strength and conditioning training is a very important tool for runners and can help to improve a runners’ performance in various ways:
- Preventing Injury by strengthening muscles, bones and connective tissues
- Increasing speed by enhancing neuromuscular power
- Improvingrunning economy by developing coordination and stride efficiency
- Burning more calories
- Incorporating resistancetraining into your regular exercise routine, which will increase your speed and V02 max.