What is a Slipped Disc, Bulging Disc or Disc Prolapse?
A slipped disc is a basic name used for a disc prolapse. They occur when the soft centre of a vertebral disc is pushed out of the shell. Think of a jam donut without a jam hole. If the pressure increases it can cause the jam to be squeezed out of the sides.
This in turn can lean on our nerves which can then cause pain into the lower back, buttocks and even down the legs.A bulging disc is the stage before a disc prolapses. If you are getting pain and have been diagnosed with bulging discs it is vital to correct this before it progresses.

What causes a prolapsed disc?
A disc prolapse usually occurs when pressure is placed on the spine when lifting a heavy object in the wrong way. A direct injury such as a fall or a whiplash accident can cause a disc prolapse. With most patients it is‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ situation. Repeating certain tasks, during bending, lifting and sporting activities or a sudden change in position can all cause disc prolapses.
What are the symptoms/effects of a disc prolapse?
You may experience acute moderate-severe lower back pain with or without leg pain but pain in one or both buttocks is common. This pain is often increased by bending forwards, prolonged positioning, lifting, coughing or sneezing. In some cases symptoms may include numbness and loss of strength within the leg. Pain is often eased by laying down often on the non-painful side.
Physiotherapy treatment for a Disc Prolapse
Physiotherapy treatment is clinically proven to be highly effective at reducing your pain and stiffness as well as improving your muscle strength and flexibility following a disc prolapse which ensures this does not become a regular occurrence.
Physiotherapy treatment may include:
- Extension exercises to relieve nerve root irritation and pain
- Heat therapy
- Soft tissue massage
- Joint mobilisation to relieve pain and stiffness
- Back exercise programme including strengthening and stretching exercises to restore normal pain-free movement to the area and stabilise the spine.
- Acupuncture
- Postural advice
Your physiotherapist at Recover Physio will develop a tailored exercise and rehabilitation plan for you so you can get back to living the way you want to…. Pain free!!