What is Spondylolysis and how is it caused?
Spondylolysis is a stress fracture of a part of a vertebral bone called the pars interarticulari. It often occurs in young athletes involved in sports that require hyperextension and rotation. It is caused by weakness and although the exact cause is unknown it may be due to overuse where repetitive trauma to the lower back has weakened the pars interarticularis. This commonly occurs in sports requiring repetitive movements such as gymnastics, weight-lifting, athletics, and football. Usually occurs on the non-dominant side e.g. left side fracture for right handed sports.
What are the symptoms of Spondylolysis?
The patient will complain of unilateral low back ache occasionally associated with buttock pain. The pain is aggravated by movements involving extension.

Diagnosis and physiotherapy treatment for Spondylolysis?
It is vital to get an early diagnosis with this sort of injury which your physiotherapist or a doctor can diagnose and which will be confirmed by X-ray. It is then essential that your rehabilitation programme begins as soon as possible to optimise recovery.
Physiotherapy treatment will be tailored to your current symptoms and lifestyle but may include:
- Restricting athletic activity responsible for the pain
- Cold or heat therapy to promote healing and reduce muscle spasm
- Stretching exercises for the hamstring and gluteal muscles
- Gentle active range of movement exercises to relieve stiffness and keep your back moving normally while you are still healing
- Strengthening the abdominal and back extensor muscles once pain free range of movement has been achieved.
- Sport specific exercises
Spondylolysis can be a frustrating injury and at Recover Physio our therapists will make sure it is clear when you can and cannot return to regular activities to prevent any relapses.